My ESP32 hacking has continued and I've updated my code ( to support the ScioSense ENS160 indoor air quality sensor! It measures eCO2, total volatile organic compounds, and gives an air quality index value based on those two readings.
Given that you can daisy-chain I2C devices to connect more than one to a single board, I also changed how my sensor reader repo works and now you can specify multiple sensors and it'll read from all of them and send each reading to a different MQTT topic. So now we have the BME280 temperature/humidity sensor AND the ENS160 air quality sensor hooked up to the ESP32 in the lounge room, and of course I've added a section on my Grafana dashboard to display the data. 😁
My next stop is to bodge together some wiring so I can use the outdoor (nice STEMMA QT connector) BME280 sensor on the same board as the outdoor (standard pins, not I2C) PMS5003 air quality sensor, and not have to have two separate ESP32s for the both of them.
Posted on
27 April 2024, 21:59