I made another song! This time it was just straight up recording a track on the drums, then playing guitar over it. Definitely doing significantly better in terms of staying in time now. 😛
For the guitar, I used my new Ibanez and switched it to the split between the bridge humbucker and the middle single coil, and it's SUCH a nice sparkly sound! I added some reverb after the fact in Logic Pro as well, since I don't have my reverb pedal yet, and man it's amazing how much of a difference it makes. The whole guitar just sounds more... open, I guess? It's hard to describe but it's quite a noticeable difference.
And then of course, I had to spend like two hours playing around in Logic Pro turning this into an electronic song. 😁 I duplicated the guitar track three times and applied different effects to each one, very pleased with the result.
The drums were slightly annoying because apparently my Roland drum kit uses different MIDI notes than the defaults than Logic uses for a bunch of the individual pieces. I always end up having to manually edit the drum kit within Logic Pro so a quarter of the notes are even playing anything at all, and then I need to change another quarter of them because things like the toms and crash cymbal have ended up being weird effect sounds instead.