Apart from doing chores, this weekend has been spent almost entirely playing Cities: Skylines on the Xbox. NO REGRETS.
They released a free "remastered" update that brings it in line with the (software) architecture of the PC version, and one of the things that allows is that instead of a maximum of nine 2x2 kilometre tiles in total area, your city can now be a maximum of TWENTY FIVE 2x2 kilometre tiles! Unfortunately the save file format is totally different and so can't be brought from the original game to the remastered version, so I'm having to start from scratch. My biggest city in the old game was about 120k population, I'm at a bit under 19k in my new city now. As always my favourite part is setting up the public transport and watching all the little people go everywhere!
Posted on
5 March 2023, 20:35