Also after our last game of Kill Team (, I decided I wanted to add a bit of extra pizzazz to my Into The Dark terrain because it looked a bit dull next to my friend's set that he put a fair bit more effort into.
One of the things he did that I particularly liked was adding hazard stripes to all the walls above where the doors are, because it's VERY easy to miss the fact that there's a door there and suddenly your opponent opens one right next to one of your operatives and you're like "...oh, shit." Very happy with my hand-painting efforts for the hazard stripes here, I also did some drybrushing with silver (I had done zero drybrushing at all until this point) and used the MIG brand rust pigment to add some extra grime and wear, and it looks mint. Left is before, right is after.
Now I just have approximately twelve million more pieces of this terrain to do. 😅