I started a new game of Starfield because the big update came out recently and I'd completely lost track of what I was doing in my last game (I don't think I've played it since last October) and man, I'd forgotten how GOOD the environmental design is in this. Everything feels properly lived-in no matter where you are, there are great little details and bits and bobs everywhere. It really feels like somewhere that would exist for real, rather than your stereotypical clean sleek sci-fi minimalism.
Almost 24 hours into Starfield so far and I'm still enjoying the hell out of it. I know I keep harping on about it, but the amount of detail and care in the environments is so good, it feels like a fully-realised world that you want to spend a bunch of time in. Most of my recent time has been spent in Akila City doing various side-quests and helping out the Freestar Rangers.
Man, I'm enjoying Starfield so much. Tonight was spent mostly wandering around The Well on Alpha Centauri helping figure out what was causing brownouts, and chatting to Denis and Dr. Charlie in Cydonia on Mars (wonderful lines and voice acting for both of them), I didn't even do much of main quest things but I thoroughly enjoyed myself nonetheless.
The amount of detail Bethesda put into this game is wonderful, as an example there's a café/not-quite food bank place in The Well, and if you go through the back there's the kitchen with all the things you'd expect to see in there, then upstairs is the living quarters where there's all sorts of stuff scattered around like someone actually LIVES there, there's even a bathroom and everything. The whole thing just feels _lived in_ and it's so good.
And speaking of Starfield, dear LORD can you spend a lot of time in the character creator! As always I made a Black woman, you can't tell from this shot but I went with the heavy/muscular side of things for the body type, but as soon as I came across that haircut I was like "Oh, I've just made Naomi Nagata." 😅