I decided that I should really bite the bullet and actually get started on the large pieces of the Kill Team terrain from the Octarius box that I bought in the middle of 2021. Figured it'd be a good opportunity to actually try doing some airbrushing in a fashion other than a zenithal highlight base coat, and I'm pretty pleased with how it's coming out! I'm less worried about obviously sticking within the lines because a) it's terrain and I don't care nearly as much, and b) in this case it's Ork terrain which is completely ramshackle anyway.
It's weirdly shiny because I'm using Army Painter's "Strong Tone" shade paint, which is sort of like Citadel's washes but oil-based and far thicker, and for some reason they thought a glossy finish would be the go. Once it's dry (which takes a good 24-48 hours 😮) I'm going to give it a drybrushing with some gunmetal silver and then will hit it with a matte varnish to get rid of the shine, and I reckon it's going to look pretty tops.