We played our second game of Warhammer Quest this afternoon! Another success, though it was looking a bit dicey at one point. The journey type we were playing was a "Hunt" where you need to kill ten hostile champions before you can finish it, but very thematically the zombies have no champion-type miniature in their groups so they just serve to slow you down. Play of the game went to my dwarf who single-handedly decimated a horde of hostiles (you'll have to excuse the lack of fully-painted miniatures because I ran out of the painted ones and had to resort to the half-painted ones I'd been working on earlier in the day).
Once you achieve the completion condition for whatever journey type you're playing, you need to retreat to the extraction point and once your heroes are all there, THAT is when the game ends. Today we had a classic movie feel because one of the last hostiles to spawn was one of the really nasty boss types, we ended up being able to avoid fighting him but it was a rush to the extraction point before he caught up with us!