Had a game of Kill Team tonight, my trusty Death Guard versus the Space Marine Intercession squad. I lost 17-14, but it really could have gone either way. I was let down at the very end by the Death Guard's lack of movement, and I can take solace in the fact that I completely wiped the Space Marines off the board. 😛
I think I might FINALLY make use of the female Space Marine-looking heads I bought almost two years ago (https://virtualwolf.org/media/posts/1966) and put together an Intercession squad myself, because that squad is apparently a pretty good one to use to really get used to the rules (I've played a reasonable amount but just CANNOT keep in my head all the ploys and TacOps, I don't know what it is but I just can't do it).
Posted on
21 January 2024, 23:09