We had our mostly-regular fortnightly game of Kill Team tonight, and we ended up playing on open board instead of Into The Dark because one of my friends was in a rush to leave and forgot his set of terrain (you need two sets to play more than two players). It was my Intercession squad versus the Talons of the Emperor versus Chaos Legionaries, and we only got part-way through the third turn before we had to call it primarily because it took long enough to set up all the open board terrain that we started later than usual. 😛 It was a fantastic game though, I didn't win but the final score was 6-5-5 to the Legionaries and I absolutely would have won if we'd gone all the way through to turn four. The Talons of the Emperor team was two Adeptus Custodes and four Sisters of Silence, and despite the Custodes being terrifying with a 2+ save and 18 wounds AND one of them having a 4+ invulnerable save, it turns out if you manage to put ENOUGH firepower into them they'll go down. This also wasn't helped by my friend being extremely aggressive with them and thinking that they'd be hardier than they actually ended up being! I managed to put 8 wounds into the one with the storm shield in one attack in the second turn thanks to some very excellent rolling from Sister Lucena with her "Doom Bolter" (our nickname for the Bolt Rifle + Vengeance-Class Scope + Reclusiam-Blessed Bolts equipment combination). When we finished, the Talons of the Emperor were down to only two Sisters of Silence and the Chaos Legionaries had only two miniatures left, all of them very wounded, but I still had three of mine left, two of whom were completely unwounded: Sister Lucena with her Doom Bolter, Sister Ephestri with the auxiliary grenade launcher, and the half-wounded Sister Genevane who continued her streak of being awesome by accounting for Legionaries' leader and psyker. Though to be fair, my Assault Grenadier Sister Decimica deserves the bulk of the credit for taking out the leader because it was her krak grenade that took him down to two wounds, and it WOULD have killed him outright except the Legionaries had used the Mutagenic Flesh strategic ploy that reduced non-critical damage on every attack dice by one!
Posted on 26 May 2024, 23:37