[email protected]'s for an excellent game of Warhammer Underworlds this afternoon. I decided to simplify things a bit and we just used the Beastgrave/Direchasm era warbands with their stock decks, me with Lady Harrow's Mournflight, @yayKM with Grashrak's Despoilers, and @[email protected] with the Slaanesh warband The Dread Pagent. It was VERY tight at the end of the second round, with me and @[email protected] tied on 11 glory each, and @yayKM not far behind on 8, but I was able to score several objectives and make a couple of kills thanks to some crazy-good rolling, and the final score was me on 17, @[email protected] on 12, and @yayKM sadly still on 8. Next time we're going to do an all-Chaos game with @[email protected] staying with the Dread Pagent, @yayKM using Khorne's Gorechosen of Dromm, and I'll probably use the Nurgle warband The Wurmspat (though now I think about it, maybe this might be a good reason for me to finally finish painting the Tzeentch warband Ephilim's Pandaemonium...). In addition to Warhammer Underworlds, we met the most adorable staffie puppy named Hendrix, who is only 12 weeks old! 😍 He was SO excited to smell us, and he had his entire snout and part of his head fully inside my shoe after we arrived, haha." /> [email protected]'s for an excellent game of Warhammer Underworlds this afternoon. I decided to simplify things a bit and we just used the Beastgrave/Direchasm era warbands with their stock decks, me with Lady Harrow's Mournflight, @yayKM with Grashrak's Despoilers, and @[email protected] with the Slaanesh warband The Dread Pagent. It was VERY tight at the end of the second round, with me and @[email protected] tied on 11 glory each, and @yayKM not far behind on 8, but I was able to score several objectives and make a couple of kills thanks to some crazy-good rolling, and the final score was me on 17, @[email protected] on 12, and @yayKM sadly still on 8. Next time we're going to do an all-Chaos game with @[email protected] staying with the Dread Pagent, @yayKM using Khorne's Gorechosen of Dromm, and I'll probably use the Nurgle warband The Wurmspat (though now I think about it, maybe this might be a good reason for me to finally finish painting the Tzeentch warband Ephilim's Pandaemonium...). In addition to Warhammer Underworlds, we met the most adorable staffie puppy named Hendrix, who is only 12 weeks old! 😍 He was SO excited to smell us, and he had his entire snout and part of his head fully inside my shoe after we arrived, haha." />
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Media post - 22 June 2024, 18:52