I had another rubbish night's sleep last night (my right thigh muscles and lower back have been sore, enough that it keeps me awake if I don't take ibuprofen), so I called the physiologist and managed to get an appointment this afternoon. After a bunch of stretching and questions and testing, he reckoned it was most likely because my back is REALLLLY stiff and it's not quite _pinching_ a nerve but enough that it's causing signalling weirdness to my leg. He gave me a thorough massaging and I've got some exercises to do and will see how it goes and will go in again next week.
So tonight we went out for Thai for dinner and bought some crushed peanuts on the way back to take @[email protected]'s advice with the ice cream and Ice Magic from last time, and HOT DAMN was she on the money! 👌🏻
Posted on
30 August 2022, 20:05